Madison Place Community Church is a place where we are learning what it means to follow Jesus together. We are people seeking to truly love, obey, and be transformed by the power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. We come from many walks of life, and it's beautiful to see how to Lord is knitting us into His kingdom story.


Sunday Mornings


Thursday Evenings

7:00 pm


We meet on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. Come early for coffee and granola bars! Childcare for infants and toddlers is offered, but we encourage parents to bring their older children to the meeting.

This is a place where we encourage everyone to prepare what we call a Sacrifice of Praise, which is when you ask the Lord what you can offer, whether it be a prophetic word, a song, story, or testimony (as it says in 1 Corinthians 14:26). Then we have a short teaching/devotional.

Interspersed with all these things is worship. Our Sunday meetings can be as long as the Lord leads, and typically we end around 11:30am or 12pm. We’ve been seeing the Lord’s heart very much every Sunday, as each week a theme emerges through the Sacrifices of Praise and the devotional.

Lunch offered in the Fellowship Hall downstairs following the meeting.

We have dinner beforehand for those who are interested, which is typically read around 6:15 in our Fellowship Hall, then we have our meeting around 7:00, which consists of worship and a teaching (if you’re curious, we use the NIV)

After group, you can hang out afterwards and connect with people and pray for one another. We would love to have you for any or all of our Thursday night.

We have childcare for those of you with kids from 6:30-end of group (typically 8:30). Childcare is for ages infant to 10. Our greetings will gladly help direct you!

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